Couch Chat with Cory and Bunnie
At high noon Wednesday, Liminal Labs’ own Cory Doctorow (Radicalized, Walkaway, Little Brother), will be joined by Andrew “bunnie” Huang, researcher and hacker, who holds a Ph.D in electrical engineering from MIT and is the author of the freely available 2003 book Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering.
Bunnie – a legendary open hardware hacker – will join Cory on the pink couch this year to discuss the Precursor, a fully open hardware-software mobile platform with far-reaching implications for privacy, data security, and digital rights. Bunnie will also discuss his work on prototyping a privacy-preserving covid exposure notification hardware token, and his role as a plaintiff in an EFF lawsuit to overturn the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s ban on breaking DRM. Both Cory and bunnie are entertaining tech talkers, so bring your brains and join us. Previous events have been extremely well attended so come early for prime sofa spots.
Note: in the service of radical inclusion during all Q&A sessions the speakers will call alternately on people who identify as women and nonbinary people, and then people who identify as men and nonbinary people to prevent it being a total sausage fest and allow all voices to be heard.