
Photos from 2016 and stretching back into the mists of time!

Liminals under the Moon Gate in front of Maria del Camino art car (flipped up)
Liminals under the Moon Gate in front of ‘Maria del Camino’ art car (flipped up)
People with light-up devil horns watching movies
Visitors with light-up devil horns watching movies
Computer setup for mirrored movies
Computer setup for mirrored movies
Pharmakon visitors
Pharmakon visitors
Liminal driving Maria del Camino art car
Liminal driving ‘Maria del Camino’ art car
Pharmakon visitors 1
Pharmakon visitors
Movies viewed through the Moon Gate, with the Fire Chandelier
Movies viewed through the Moon Gate, with the Fire Chandelier
Setting up the Moon Gate and Fire Chandelier
Setting up the Moon Gate and Fire Chandelier
Smiling Liminals lit by red light
Red light makes everything fun, but el-wire and blinkies are for safety
Moon Gate and Maria del Camino art car, sunset
Moon Gate and ‘Maria del Camino’ art car (flipped up), sunset
Maria del Camino art car flipped up the through the Moon Gate
‘Maria del Camino’ art car (flipped up) through the Moon Gate, daytime
Pharmakon visitors select unguents and nostrums
Pharmakon visitors select unguents and nostrums
"John Frum Int'l. Aeroport" sign on our shade structure
‘John Frum Int’l. Aeroport’ sign on our shade structure
Liminal group breakfast
Liminal group breakfast, mmmm coffee
Liminal group dinner
Liminal group dinner in our pretty awesome kitchen – note easily accessible fire extinguisher (circled)
Light performer through the Moon Gate
Light performer through the Moon Gate
Costumed Liminals in Maria del Camino art car
Costumed Liminal revelers in ‘Maria del Camino’ art car – lights on for safety!
Fire performer in front of our 50-foot trailer "movie screen"
Fire performer in front of our 50-foot trailer ‘movie screen’
Smiling red cigarette girl under the Moon Gate
Smiling red cigarette girl under the Moon Gate – who knows what pranks she’s thinking up?
