For Extra Credit!
Too chicken to do in your victim yourself? Bok! Bok! Bribe some Liminals into doing your dirty work for you.
We’re all dead shots.
- All targets must be bracelet-wearing consenting players, no mass casualties (spraying a crowd). There’s no finesse in that kind of sloppy squirtfest.
- WATER ONLY in your weapon. No dosing, no liquor, just sweet H20.
- Safe Zones: Target’s home camps and Liminal Labs are safe for all assassins and targets. Need a break from the game? Come chill on our shady couches, indulge in our nightly mirrored movie madness or enjoy our playa safehaus (21 and up, you will be checked). Strategize, stargaze and study up on skillful saturations. You’re safe with us!